What my clients say
Career Coaching
“Ian understands everyone is unique, and as a fantastic career coach, he recognises this. He adapts his coaching style and technique to suit your specific needs and preferences. By understanding my personality, learning style, and goals, he provided me with a personalised experience that resonated and yielded significant results.”
— Millie L
Executive Coaching
“Working with Ian as an executive coach was particularly beneficial during my career transition as I was focused on my professional advancement. As an executive moving into a new role, Ian provids guidance, assists with strategic planning, and helps navigate challenges associated with change.”
— Elspeth K
Entrepreneur Coaching
“Ian has extensive experience and knowledge of the business world. I found that he had faced similar challenges to mine and had overcome them successfully. His wisdom and insights guided me in making informed decisions and avoiding pitfalls. He has totally accelerated my learning!”
— Tony G
Performance Coaching
“ As a mentor Ian offer an unbiased and objective viewpoint. He provided constructive criticism and feedback on my ideas, strategies, and approaches. His outside perspective helped identify blind spots, challenging my assumptions, and refine my business plans. Starting and running a business can be emotionally taxing, especially during challenging times. Ian provided emotional support, encouragement, and motivation.”
— Harrison S